Aspose.Words High Code Plugins: Only $99 Each!

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Aspose.Words Processor of MS Word Files for .NET

Create, load, modify and save Microsoft Word documents in DOC, DOCX, RTF, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, DOCM, FlatOPC, FlatOpcMacroEnabled, FlatOpcTemplate, FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled and WordML formats.


Aspose.Words Processor of Web Files for .NET

Create, load, modify and save Web files in HTML and MHTML formats.


Aspose.Words Processor of OpenOffice Files for .NET

Create, load, modify and save OpenOffice documents in ODT and OTT formats.


Aspose.Words Processor of EBook Files for .NET

Create, load, modify and save ebook files in EPUB, MOBI and AZW3 formats.


Aspose.Words Processor of Image Files for .NET

Create, edit, and save image files in a variety of formats, including TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, EMF, and GIF


Aspose.Words Processor of XML Files for .NET

Create, load, edit and save markup language files. Processor of XML Files for .NET supports loading of XML files and saving them to XPS, XamlFixed, OpenXps, XamlFlow, and XamlFlowPack formats


Aspose.Words Processor of Markdown Files for .NET

Create, load, modify, and save files in MD format


Aspose.Words Processor of PDF Files for .NET

Create, load, modify, and save files in PDF format


Aspose.Words Processor of CHM Files for .NET

Create, load, and edit CHM files. Since Aspose.Words does not support saving in the CHM format, this plugin is used with the Converter plugin and a plugin for working with the desired export format


Aspose.Words Processor of Text Files for .NET

Create, load, edit, and save files in TXT format


Aspose.Words Processor of SVG Files for .NET

Create, edit, and save SVG files. Since Aspose.Words does not support loading documents in the SVG format, this plugin is used with the Converter plugin and a plugin to work with the desired import format


Aspose.Words Processor of PostScript Files for .NET

Create, modify, and save documents in PS or PCL formats. Since Aspose.Words does not support loading documents in PS and PCL formats, this plugin is used with the Converter plugin and a plugin to work with the desired import format


Aspose.Words Processor of XLSX Files for .NET

Create, then edit and save updated documents in XLSX format


Aspose.Words Converter for .NET

Convert documents into various file formats: Word, PDF, HTML, OpenOffice, Markdown, JPG, PNG, and many others


Aspose.Words Document Merger for .NET

Join multiple documents together.


Aspose.Words Splitter for .NET

Split documents to separate pages.


Aspose.Words Comparer for .NET

Compare two documents with generating the changes as revisions in the first document


Aspose.Words MailMerge for .NET

Generate documents using Mail Merge template syntax.


Aspose.Words LINQReporting for .NET

Build reports using rich template syntax based on plain-text tags and LINQ Reporting Engine


Aspose.Words Watermark for .NET

Insert and remove watermarks in documents


Aspose.Words Print for .NET

Print the whole document to the specified printer, using the standard (no User Interface) print controller


Note: all prices are in USD

What's included

Infinity Symbol

Unlimited Developers Licensed

Location Symbol

Use Derived Work at Locations

Web application Symbol

For Use with Web Sites/Apps